Not to charm on Market

New York stock market index

New York stock market index

This is the trend of Stock Market in New York.

That was a shuttle up till 1999.

Now all of the trade are supported by computer.

A.I. made a quick judgement than human can do.

Somebody sold much, another sold came out. That is the A.I. did in 2000.

In 2001 sadly we had a 9.11 . Who could enjoy consuming?

Only defense industry got the chance.  I am not telling that was wrong.

We got a depression in 2008 cause of Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers.

But we got a bullish market after 2009 till now 2015.

This is the fact of economical growth of U.S itself.

Everybody consumed a lot.

GDP is the surplus of consume and investment . Y=C+I

Now we got the adjustment from the market.

Because of China economy fall down apparently.

Investment on China is moving to another country if Asia.

That is the money of U.S. and Japan.

China government should not charm on the market.

God lives in Market.

Everything are made adjustment by God.

Communist never believe the God so I do not know they will be save or no.


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