Ancient Japan trip Vol.3

Shimonoseki station

Shimonoseki station

I waked up early and take a train Kokura to Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi prefecture.

It is just a 20 min to reach there.

Shimonoseki station

Shimonoseki station

Shimonoseki is famous for Fugu.

Look there are a lot of Fugu designed paper lanterns.

So cute.

You can take almost any bus from NO1or NO2 bus stop and reach to bus stop “Jyoukamachi Chofu“.

Within 10 min you will come to “Iminomiya Shrine“.


Iminomiya Shrine where ancient emperor stayed and conquered

The torii gate of Iminomiya Shrine

The torii gate of Iminomiya Shrine

The torii gate of Iminomiya Shrine

The torii gate of Iminomiya Shrine

I always see the details of Torii gate.

It is beautiful and artistic.

"Oni Ishi" the head of enemy

“Oni Ishi” the head of enemy

In 2nd century there was a country called “Shiragi” on the Korean Peninsula, western part of it.

They tried to attack ancient Japan but failed.

Emperor Chuai” was the person who defeated the general of Shiragi, called “Jin Rin” by shooting arrow to his neck. Just one shot.

Enemy, Jin Rin’s head is buried here as a memorial, “Oni ishi” demon’s stone.

The main building of Iminomiya Shrine

The main building of Iminomiya Shrine

The main building of Iminomiya Shrine

The main building of Iminomiya Shrine

The main building of Iminomiya Shrine

The main building of Iminomiya Shrine

GOD is there in the mirror, reflecting yourself and give you light.

People's wishes

People’s wishes

Kanmon Bridge

Kanmon Bridge

See the Kanmon bridge.

It connects Kyushu island and Main island.

The ocean current is very strong and fast here.


Fugu Lunch at “Shun Pan Rou

Fugu set meal

Fugu set meal

When you visit Shimonoseki, you must go to Fugu restaurant.

Shun Pan Rou” is the best one but you may choose more economic one in Shimonoseki.

Maybe you can try even in a Pub.

This is set meal made with Fugu.

All the dishes were perfect.


Moved to “Mizumaki

Mizumaki Station

Mizumaki Station

It is about an hour to move from Shimonoseki to “Mizumaki“.

Mizumaki was an island, maybe the oldest island in Japan, now it turned to land.

mountain road

mountain roadNow Mizumaki is like an ordinary mountain.

You can climb up to the top easily.

It is a natural park now.

mountain road

mountain road

mountaintop object

mountaintop object

View from the summit

View from the summit

For me it was a tough climbing but there were a few elderly people chatting.

You can look around.

countryside landscape

countryside landscape

I moved to “Yatsurugi Shrine” 20 min walk from Mizumaki station.


“Yatsurugi Shrine”

Yaturugi Shrine

Yaturugi Shrine

The main building of Yaturugi Shrine

The main building of Yaturugi Shrine

The main building of Yaturugi Shrine

The main building of Yaturugi Shrine

This is the place where ”Yamato Takeru” came for honeymoon.

He stayed here with his wife “Kinuta Hime“.

The main building of Yaturugi Shrine

The main building of Yaturugi Shrine

Large ginkgo tree 1900 years old

Large ginkgo tree 1900 years old

Yamato Takeru planted this ginkgo tree for the anniversary of marriage.

It passed almost 1900 years but still exist and became a huge memorial tree.

Onga River, ancient sea

Onga River, ancient sea

Onga river

Onga river

Beside the shrine there is “Onga river” in ancient time it was a cove and sea.

The ancient Japan started itself here in Onga cove.


Hugry eat Sushi!! at “Sushi no Tora

Iki Sushi no Tora

Iki Sushi no Tora

I climbed and walked a lot.

Very tired and hungry.

When you visit Kokura, you can go to here, “Sushi no Tora“.

Order with Tablet

Order with Tablet

It is a modern sushi restaurant.

You can order tapping on tablet.

Then the sushi will come to your sheet by train.



Extremely fresh white meat fish.

From left, Shimaaji, Buri, Hirame.

You may surprise that raw fish is very fresh and hard. Hard means fresh.

It was much better than Tokyo. Really delicious.



Sweet enough.

grilled abalone

grilled abalone



sea urchin

sea urchin



All the dishes were perfect.

It cost you just US$ 30 for all.

Thanks for GOD.


Psalm 91:11

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.


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