I wanted to eat “Daifuku” near Sugamo Station and also wanted to visit “Togenuki jizou” in “Kouganji temple“.
It takes 40 mins from my studio.
It was so cold and I thought it might have snow.
Slowly, 15 min walk, we can reach to the main building of “Kouganji temple” that has “Togenuki jizou”.
Many elderly people were coming.
I think they have to care about the COVID-19 but no one can stop them who has religious sentiment.
Beside the main building there is the famous statue “Togenuki jizou”
It was a daily and almost 3 PM not so crowded.
Elderly people were leaving for their home.
“Togenuki jizou” is famous that it has healing power.
If you worry about your knees, just take a towel and dip in a water and wash statue’s knees.
Just like this, wash the statue part that you want to heal, to care , to prevent from getting wrong.
For me I washed the statue’s head, to improve my imagination as a painter.
Shoulder not break,
Breast not to forget religious feelings and christianity.
High time for me to go back home, my studio
Sugamo was an important way to go west, the end is Osaka.
Many travellers passed here so the confectionary like “Daifuku” was popular.
You mention this “Daifuku” is salty not so sweet.
This is the idea not to exhaust, to get an energy to walk.
The shop “Mizuno” is the oldest one.
5 for 650 yen, almost 7 US$.
It is very soft and yummy, even healthy.
I strongly recommend you to visit Sugamo and try “Daifuku”
Psalm 119:103
How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!