Ninja and Medicine

Ninja village

Ninja village

I visited “Kouga” city.

It is one of the famous Ninja villages in Japan.

Iga” city is the famous competitor.

Ninja and medicine

Ninja and medicine

Ninja had many technics on the edge.

Ninja did assassination.

Killing gas and sleeping gas are famous chemical weapons.

They knew about the glasses and materials in the mountain to make as a chemical weapon.

So it is natural to find the antidote too.

Finally, it becomes medicine.

Ninja and medicine

Ninja and medicine

It was good for Ninja to deal with medicine.

Selling the medicine to the other village means they can visit as a salesperson and scouting the village easily.

Ninja could move to many places in Japan to made a network for reconnaissance.


Transforming as a medicine industry

Medicine package design

Medicine package design

After the Edo period, 19th century, Ninja village became a medicine factory.

They raised firm and produced the medicine on hand.

You can see the package, many Kanji there, and know the variety of them.

For flue, for headache, for the stomach, for the liver, etc.


Medicine package designMedicine package design

The package became a colored one and looks better.

They are very artistic.


Proverbs 17:22 ESV 

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

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