Quick trip to Yamagata

I went to “Yamagata” one day trip.

It was a quite fine day but very hot, so I was moving to the north, maybe cooler place.

It is possible for everyone to go to Yamagata within 2 and a half hours to be there, taking the super express train, shinkansen from Tokyo.

That was my first visit.


Yamagata castle

Yamagata castle

Quiet and blue sky was there.

But still very hot.

I should go to Hokkaido preventing the heat.

Yamagata castle is quite beautiful and developed as a national park.

Almost free but you have to pay US3$ to walk inside the castle. Fair.


MOGAMI Yoshiaki

MOGAMI Yoshiaki

MOGAMI Yoshiaki who fought successfully through the time of the warring states and became the first feudal lord of Yamagata Domain.

The statue was really strong and beautiful.


Move to Rishakuji-Yamadera

Matsuo Bashō

Matsuo Bashō

I did wanted to visit the temple, “Rishakuji”, people say “Yamadera“.

You can take a train to reach there. Just a fifteen min trip.

It is hard walking to see all the temples.

At least you should walk for 2 hours. Stairs, stairs, stairs.

Famous poet “Matsuo Basho” visited here also.


This temple is the oldest one.

Celebrating the monk who opened this place.

Please look at the scene. Many mountains are layering.

I thanks to GOD to let me be here.

This was my one day trip so I ate bento for dinner. No photos.


Psalm 95:4-5

In his hand are the depths of the earth; the heights of the mountains are his also. The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land.

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