Susukino Building
Sapporo is the heart of Hokkaido.
Drinking and eating around famous “Susukino” is recommendable.
I do not like “Jingshan”, a dish grilling ram and onion barbeque.
Ramen is one choice.
I liked to eat sea urchins, the yellow treasure of the north sea.

Sapporo city
I moved to the restaurant “Murakami“, that the famous to deal with sea urchins.
It places under the ground at a modern building.
You should try this restaurant in Sapporo.
I choose fully sea urchins course.
It is a special and price worthy course.
You might have a variety of how sea urchins should be cooked.

Sea urchins special course ar Murakami
You can start with cold dishes.
The left one is condensed sea urchins, boiled with soy sauce.
The right one is seasoned raw scallops with sea urchins.
Both are so good to have the natural sweetness of each ingredient.

Sea urchins special course ar Murakami
This is the famous A class sea urchins.
You can add a little soy sauce and have it at once.
A splendid sea flavor and sweetness will spread over in your mouse.
I pray for my Load and thanks to having that for me.

Sea urchins special course ar Murakami
Good sashimi.

Sea urchins special course ar Murakami
Rolled egg with good gravy. You can see the sea urchins in the center of that.
Slightly warm.
Fragile taste.

Sea urchins special course ar Murakami
A tiny salad with roasted sea urchins.
So delicious.

Sea urchins special course ar Murakami
The famously roasted sea urchins.
Very artistic.
You will find the treasure of taste of the sea.
It is a luxury.

Sea urchins special course ar Murakami
Crab and vegetable tempura.
Of cause, you can have a sea urchin rolled with nori, seaweed black sheet, tempura.
You should try the sea urchin salt.
They have a sea urchins flavor in a salt.
It was a marvelous taste.

Sea urchins special course ar Murakami
In the end, you can eat sea urchins “Öchaduke”, rice with fish stock soup.
That makes you feel content with warm soup and rice.
Raw sea urchins are topped.
You can see a variety of dishes.
That cost you US$ 60 and TAX.
I think it is a good and reasonable deal.
I moved to climb up a mountain near Sapporo.

Mt.Moiwa ropeway
Sapporo has a little mountain called “Moiwa” near the city.
You can reach there by train or taxi.
It cost you about US$ 15 to reach to the top of the mountain by ropeway.

Night scene of Sapporo city
You should spend a lot of time because of many people.
All the people who visit Sapporo want to see the night scene.
It is a kind of rush.
Ropeway will stop at 10 PM.
It is tough to get down all the people by 10 PM because so crowded.

Night scene of Sapporo city
Look at the great view.
It was so beautiful and also cold!!!
I had a great moment in Sapporo.
Revelation 3:16 ESV
So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.