I did want to visit ‘Nagasaki” to see the ultimate situation of Human being.
I will be in “Hiroshima” next month.
Nagasaki is a big valley city and has a few flat areas.
Naturally, it has many slopes.
You might image as tiny San Francisco.
Peace & Atomic Bomb Museum is on the top of the hill.
The spiral slope down to the ground makes you feel to get into the time that the Atomic bomb exploded.
The sunshine light and shadows of the ceilings made a beautiful geometric pattern.
The Atomic bomb exploded at 11:02 AM 1945 August 9th.
Destroyed wall clock stopped at the moment.
Nagasaki City turned into the hell suddenly.
Tons of heat and wind, radiation attacked everything that exists.
Buildings, factories, bridges, roads, hospitals, schools, cars, trains, everything.
74000 people have died in a flash.
The Atomic bomb destroyed the church.
The Rosario tell us how high the heat was.
The tragedy of the Atomic bomb
The Atomic bomb is a demonic weapon.
Many people are suffering from bomb injury even now.
Tons of radiation effect on your DNA in your cell.
The injury travell beyond the generation.
Many people have died unknown disease.
I think the Atomic bomb is beyond the imagination.
Why America used the dirty trick.
You will not be human to deal with the demon.
I think there was discrimination for the colored people, Japanese, who is not Christian.
Please see what you did at the moment.
No nuclear weapon is an ideal thing.
There are many countries has a nuclear weapon.
I am not a dreamer as John Lennon.
Learning the fact is the power to resist.
Generation to generation we have to think about the fact.
Beautiful and Artistic paper cranes.
No one includes me knows the fact of war.
I did want to pray for a tiny ordinal day will continue.
That was a heat day with a huge cloud.
I have the freedom to see many beautiful things.
The Nagasaki Peace Park
Many children’s lives have usurped by the bomb.
I will cry at how they wanted to live.
Nagasaki Peace Park is a large park.
I see no one is playing.
It is a strange park.
I knew everyone knows the meaning of the park.
There is a monument tower that shows us the right point the Atomic bomb exploded.
Many flowers are given to the spirit lost.
This is a famous Nagasaki Statue of peace.
He is praying for everyone’s peace.
The right-hand shows heaven.
The left-hand shows peace.
John 16:33
I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”